Autumn Retreat | Maresme, spain

Summary: The autumn Mama's Night Off Retreat aimed to provide hardworking mums with a well-deserved break from their daily responsibilities. It was a relaxing and rejuvenating retreat where mums could unwind, connect with others, and enjoy some pampering. I managed all aspects of event planning and execution to ensure a seamless and enjoyable experience for all attendees.

Results: The Mama's Night Off Retreat was a tremendous success, it was fully booked and all participants were raving about their experience. Mums left feeling refreshed, recharged, and ready to tackle their everyday challenges. The retreat fostered a sense of community and provided valuable self-care opportunities for all attendees. Our meticulous event planning and execution contributed to a smooth and memorable retreat, allowing participants to fully immerse themselves in the experience.

Actions Taken:

  • Pre-Event:

    • Secured a suitable venue near to Barcelona that offered a tranquil and comfortable environment for the retreat.

    • Coordinated with vendors to arrange catering, spa services, and transportation for the event, ensuring all logistical details were in place.

    • Developed a comprehensive schedule of activities, including yoga sessions, massages, and social gatherings, to provide a well-rounded experience for participants.

    • Developed and implemented a marketing strategy to promote the retreat through various channels, including social media, email newsletters, and targeted advertisements.

  • At Event:

    • Provided on-site event management and coordination to oversee the setup, execution, and logistics of the retreat.

    • Facilitated smooth transitions between activities and ensured that participants were well-informed and engaged throughout the event.

    • Addressed any unforeseen challenges or issues promptly and efficiently to minimise disruptions and maintain a positive atmosphere.

  • Post-Event:

    • Conducted a thorough debriefing session to review the event's successes and areas for improvement, gathering feedback from participants and stakeholders.

    • Compiled post-event reports detailing key metrics, participant feedback, and lessons learned to inform future event planning efforts.

    • Followed up with participants to express gratitude for their attendance and gather testimonials for promotional purposes, strengthening relationships and fostering loyalty.


Festive Exterior | Barcelona


Yoga Retreat | Barcelona