Creative Think Tank | Barcelona

I led the organisation of my client’s Product Development Think Tank, as the Event Manager I created a dynamic 3-day event designed to foster innovation and collaboration in toy development. Held in a central Barcelona hotel meeting room, this intimate gathering of 15 participants brought together international minds from diverse backgrounds, including creatives, distributors, and marketing teams. The event served as a platform for intensive brainstorming, idea exchange, and strategic planning.

  • Stakeholder Collaboration:

    • Worked closely with stakeholders to conceptualise the event, outlining objectives, agenda, and participant criteria.

    • Identified and invited key stakeholders to ensure a diverse range of perspectives and expertise.

  • Comprehensive Agenda:

    • Developed a comprehensive agenda featuring brainstorming sessions, workshops, presentations, and networking opportunities to maximise engagement and productivity.

    • Curated a dynamic program that encouraged active participation and idea generation.

  • Venue and Logistics:

    • Secured a central Barcelona hotel meeting room conducive to collaboration and creativity.

    • Coordinated logistics including accommodation, catering, and audio-visual setup to ensure a seamless experience.

  • Facilitation and Moderation:

    • Moderated panel discussions and workshops to foster dialogue and idea exchange among participants.

    • Encouraged active participation and ensured all voices were heard throughout the event.

  • Networking and Relationship Building:

    • Organised networking breaks, meals, and social activities to facilitate informal connections and relationship building.

    • Created opportunities for participants to connect beyond the formal sessions.

  • Documentation and Follow-Up:

    • Ensured thorough documentation of ideas, insights, and action points generated during the event.

    • Initiated follow-up communications to consolidate outcomes and facilitate further collaboration post-event.

The Product Development Think Tank yielded remarkable results, with participants generating innovative ideas, forging valuable partnerships, and developing actionable strategies. As we continue to drive innovation and collaboration in the industry, I remain committed to delivering exceptional experiences that inspire creativity and drive success.

For further inquiries or collaboration opportunities, please don't hesitate to reach out:

Contact: Lucie | | +34 627 359 214


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